Arrived in Brisbane at 10am and headed straight to DFO which was a few minutes drive from the airport. DFO stands for Direct Factory Outlet and not Duty Free Outlet which we'd quickly assumed.
HY and Joy dropped us off at our apartment, Oaks Festival Towers, conveniently located right smack in the city centre along Albert Street, just perpendicular to Queen Street Mall, which is kinda like our Orchard Road, except it's permanently pedestrianised but more of that later. First of the markets we checked out was the Wednesday Food Market at Brisbane Square, just a 5 minute walk from our apartment.
We're still at the Brisbane Square and we see this sign that says Reddacliff Place so now i'm a little confused what to call this place. Anyways, i think we bought like every kind of fruit that was sold here... okay not really but our harvest included pineapple, rockmelons, pears, grapes... i believe we ate a couple of strawberries and bought a few loaves of olive bread.
Preview of Queen Street Mall which was just across the road from Brisbane Square, as we were making our 'fruitful' way back to our apartment.
Hungry Jacks soon easily became our regular meetup place, and the marker for which we had to turn the corner from Queen Street Mall into Albert Street and head straight to our apartment.
Borders was the other corner building at the traffic junction which we always passed on the walk back from Queen Street Mall.
Back at the apartment, ZY has just woken up and we're now getting ready for dinner with HY and Joy. Some pics of the apartment in the meantime...
Dinner tonight was at Sunnybank, one of the suburbs which could easily be mistaken for Chinatown. We ate at Little Hong Kong BBQ Restaurant, but the portions though delicious, were far from little!
Tagged along to HY and Joy's wedding rehearsal at Runcorn Christian Church after dinner, before calling it a night on our first day in Brisbane.
next day